The Parkville Association promotes the right of all residents to quiet enjoyment of the neighbourhood and the surrounding local environment. From time to time there have been incidents where this right has been breached - in some cases due to a lack of understanding of what constitutes a noise violation and/or what is appropriate at different times of the day or night.
There are a series of legal guideliens provided by the Environmental Protection Agency which clarify what constitutes “unreasonable noise” and this includes music, barking dogs, and groups of people talking loudly outdoors and late-night parties.
Details of prohibited times for residential noise can be found here at the EPA website.
It is important to note, however, that under Section 48A of the Environment Protection Act 1970, noise from any residential premises can be considered unreasonable at any time of the day or night if that noise can be heard by neighbours.
The Parkville Association is currently working with agents of tenanted properties in Parkville to ensure that these regulations are understood by tenants.